Novena Medical Centre @ Square 2. 10 Sinaran Drive #10-17 / #10-18 Singapore 307506. Clinic: 63976990 Facsimile: 63976987 Emergency Hotline: 96477527

Non-surgical Gum Treatment

Scaling and Root Planing / Non-Surgical Gum Treatment Scaling and root planing is a thorough and meticulous removal of plaque, tartar and deposits from both the superficial tooth surface above the gum line, as well as deep below the gum line to the depth of the...

Receding Gums

Gums recession occurs when the gum tissue lowers and shrinks away from the crown of the tooth, exposing the darker yellow root surfaces. This will make the teeth look longer than they should. A common misconception is gums recession is due to aging. Recession of gums...

Pocket Reduction Procedure

Following scaling and root planing, the periodontist will review the healing response of the gums. If inflammation and deep pockets persist, a flap surgery (pocket reduction procedure) may be performed to remove the residual tartar in the deep pockets that cannot be...

Bone Graft Procedure

Gum disease will cause gradual loss of bone supporting the teeth. When dental bone is lost, it is usually irreversible unless surgical bone grafting procedure is performed. When there is severe bone loss, regenerative bone graft procedure is done to regenerate the...